2015. június 26., péntek

Last day without kids

We were working all week, all day and it was our last day without kids in the camp. It was a special day, mostly for the counselors, 'coz they did their graduation for the camp. They had to make a prize and give it to one of their colleuges and they had to give it to them in front of everyone with a speech before. Also during that time our little teams were intreduced, and we got a T-shirt with Camp Wing logo and the counselor teams also had their special dance. We had a special dinner as well and the ceremony took place after in the dinning hall. That was the end of the day before the kids arrived next day

2015. június 21., vasárnap

Day off in Boston

We woke up at normal time to have breakfast then in a few minutes we found out who will take us to the train station to get in Boston. However it was so rainy in the begining, we went in to Boston and started our tour in the city center. We went around and had some coffe/hot chocolate in a Dounkin' Doughnuts, which you can find in every corner.
The Team, from left to right: me, Gábor, Norbi and Márió
We continued our walk in the city, it was still raining, we visited several shops and went around the place where the Boston tea party happend, we also found a Hungarian memorial about the 1956's revolution. Afterall we had some lunch in a mall at a chineese fast food restaurant. We also visited some parks and went out to the Red Socks Baseball team's stadion and suvenir shop, it was nice, but the prices were so high. Then we went in a bar and drank a beer as the finish of our day and headed back to the camp.
As you can see I had some spendings during the stay, so I started to make an excel about how much money I spent there: here it is.

2015. június 20., szombat

Half day off, visiting the Ocean

We were working hard all week form 8 am to 4 pm, we got tired each day, so we didn't much more than having a shower and going to sleep afterwards. However some evenings we played some games with the other staff members and this week the training started for the conseulers, so they started to do something during the day, not just having fun and do stuff they like all day while we're working...
During the week 3 more hungarians join to the support staff, 2 to the kitchen and one to maintenance/laundry. Luckily today we could finish earlier, so we made a trip to the ocean shore with the maintenance team. After lunch we get ready 4 bikes for ourselves then we started to cycle to Rexhame beach. It was almost an hour to get there and we had to make several stops, just ot make sure we are heading to the right direction. When we arrived, we went in to the ocean, it was really, really cold!
The team, from left to right: Norbi, me, Márió and Gábor.
Then we had some time at the shore and headed back to the camp for dinner. After dinner we also had a short trip to the Stop&Shop to buy some stuff, but we had only 30 minutes, so we just bought the most important things, some hats, 'coz we really need it aginst the sun during our job.

2015. június 15., hétfő

First workday

Yesterday, we had a day off, so basically we had nothing to do, so we wake up at around 10 am and went to have some breakfast then "waiting" for lunch. So we were walking around the camp with Gábor to show us around and in the afternoon we played some games like basketball, volleyball. During the evening we went out for a WalMart trip, so we could see how the biggest shop looks here in America.
Today we woke up around 7 am, since our job starts at 8 am, we had some breakfast and then started to work. We got know our bosses, they seemed good at the beggining, we'll see if it's change later or not. :D Unluckilywe had a rainy day, but we had really good meals today, since there weren't so much kids and we got some normal food, not just hotdog and hamburger for lunch and dinner... (: As we started it will be like 8 am to 4 pm, our work time, maybe we will start later when the camp starts, we'll see. At the moment I don't know how often I'll be able to post, but this week seems like I have the time, and we also have one day off each week. Also our camp is a small camp with around 300 kids, the big ones have more than a thousand, so here is everything is really huge, not just the roads, cars and shops, everything...

2015. június 13., szombat

Arrival to Crossroads 4 Kids - Camp Wing

It's been a long day, started yesterday since I didn't get any sleep, 'coz I had to go to the airport at 2 AM. There were some roads blocked, so it took a little bit more time to get to the airport than we expected. I took the 6.10 AM flight to Amsterdam where I had a bit more than 2 hours to change to departure to Boston. During the flight I was sleeping I even slept over the lunch time... But the flight was okay, there were many services on the plane, so it was good. We arrived with a little late to the Bosotn Logan Airport and there it also took a lot of time to get through the Visa check, just as in Amsterdam I had bad luck, in Amsterdam there were someone who just learn how to do the check so there were another guy who checked him and call im out to ask out what he did etc. and in Boston in my line there were a guy who had some problems and the police took him to another room with the service guy, so I had to wait a bit longer to get my turn.
Then outside we found the van easily, Terrence who came out to pick us up, Norbi and me. The journey to the camp was around 40 minutes or a bit more, there he showed us where to put our stuff and take some food and show us around in the camp. We had no job to do today, so we just went around to explore how it looks and enjoy our time, play some games and so.

2015. június 7., vasárnap

The Countdown Starts!

There we are, the American experience starts in a few days, here is the coundown!
As my Erasmus experiences ended, I'm heading to have some other kind of experiences on the other part of the world, in the United States of America!
Hopefully I'll be able to make a post weekly, as soon as arrive we'll see!