2016. július 31., vasárnap

#6 Birthdays

This week started as usual, but on Tuesday during the hour off, I took a bike to go to the car rental in Hanover and pick up my reserved car for the evening ride. I got the car and drove back to the camp to finish the day. After we finished the job I took my friends to the Wallmart and then go tback to the camp for dinner and afterwards I drove off to Cape Cod to surprise my friend who has a birthday and also to meet them after more than a year! Since Alexa keep it as a secret that I can come to Roda's birthday, I was the real surprise for her! :) We were at the ocean, we made a small camp fire, we had some food and drinks and enjoyed our time together with their new friends.
I really enjoyed to spend some time with them after a long time, we had a permit till 23.30 to keep the fire at the beach, so afterwards we went back to their place and continue to talk and enjoy our time. I've also got some sleep before heading back to the camp in the morning and say good bye again, who knows till when we'll see each other again... During the hour break I took back the car and as they kept my bike in their garage I cycled back to the camp, and I've just got back in time to work.
This Friday, we had another birthday at the camp, one of the kitchen staff had a birthday, so we made a little celebration for him in the woods, then I had my day off to get some rest and that was it.

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