2016. augusztus 31., szerda

Leaving the US

Monday was a regular working day, besides that Viktor left the camp around noon and Peter was doing maintenance job as well. Also that was my last full working day, during the night we went for a last ride with the big van to the Walmart, to do our last shopping before leaving the camp.
On Tuesday I had to work only till lunch, afterwards my boss let me go to be prepared and packed for leaving. I've also got the caravan to get to the bank to close my account and get the money out of it. During the afternoon I did some last laundries and finished my packing, at aroun 6 PM, I got to the farmhouse, said goodbye to everyone and headed to Boston with Peter, and Micheal was driving, Peter went for a Red Sox game with Paul, and I got to the airport where I checked-in and went through the security check to wait for my flight, which was dealeyed and I had to wait 30 minutes more than expected. And when I arrived to Frankfurt we couldn't get to the terminal, because there was a security harassment, so waited more than 30 minutes outside of the terminal, when buses arrived to take us there, but they were doing some extra circles around the terminal till they finally drop us off. Then it was the time when my flight was about to departure to Billund and as I got to the gate it was gone already... So I've asked one of the stewardess what should I do, then 2 more person came up with the same problem. After some searching and waiting we got our new tickets for a later flight and also a 10 euro ticket to buy food for ourselves at the airport. So instead of having a rushing hour to catch the flight I had to wait about 4 hours for my connection flight to get to Denmark, finally. This plane was in a little late as well, however I still had to wait a little for my friend to pick me up at the airport, since he was expecting me to arrive on time in the afternoon, not at the evening. I got know my temprorary flatmate, we had some discussions and we all went sleep before midnight.
Since this story ended again, at least for a couple of months, you can follow my experiences, studying in Denmark: here.

2016. augusztus 28., vasárnap

#10 Last full week in the US

This week, we had less kids already, since there was only a bonus week for the day camp and instead of around 200 kids there were only around 60.
On Monday there was a marathon for the kids, and on the next day the Santa Claus came to give them some gifts, we also got some gift. And the Secret Santa also ended during the week, and since I picked one of the village directors, I got some attention with the last gift, since I gave it to her when they had their meeting, I couldn't find any better time for it, since they are never at the same place.
Thursday was the last full day for the kids, and they all left on Friday morning, while only the day campers stayed. And at noon we went to have lunch with our boss to Pizzings, like last year. After the lunch we've just got back to get our last pay checks and T-shirts from the camp. During the afternoon we had to say good bye to some of the kitchen staff, while also most of the counseulors left. On Saturday we had a day off, so I decided to get in the bank early, so I could deposit my checks, but it'd appear till Monday, so I have to go back to close my account... With Tamás we also went to the Walmart in Hanover and on the way back we stoped by at a Thrift Store. On Sunday we had to work again, and power wash all the bathrooms and so.

2016. augusztus 21., vasárnap

#9 Visiting Provincetown and the girls

This week we started to do the Secret Santa game within the camp to surprise eachother till the end of the camp when we'll reveal who was it! =)
This Friday the day camp sessions ended, however there'll be a bonus week next week. Since it was the last day for Derick, who really wanted to ride the John Deer Gator, and his counselors let him go for a short ride around the pavilion, hopefully it will remain as a good experience or adventure in his memory.
During the afternoon hour break I went to rent a car for a day, to visit my friends at Eastham during my day off, no Saturday. During the evening I went 2 rides with some of the hungarian staffs to take them to the Wallmart and get some stuff for their Secret Santa. Afterwards, at night I headed to Eastham to meet the girls. :) I arrived 30 minutes before midnight, then we went out to the ocean and met some of their friends.
In the morning I met their boss's wife who is also the owner of their accomodation. During the morning, we had our breakfast and wait till Roda finish her early shift, so we could go together to Provincetown, which is the capital of the gays in this state, and also a nice touristic city with many restaurants and nice beaches around the bay and near the ocean. We spent some time at the beach during the afternoon and then we went in the city to check it out, I have to admit that, it was full, crowded and many gays on the streets, it was fun anyway, coz there were many street performances.
On Sunday morning I headed back to camp to start my shift at 9 am, then at my afternoon hour off, I took 2 of my colleagues to Plymouth to get out from the camp during their day off, and as I finished I brought them back and took back the car.

2016. augusztus 14., vasárnap

#8 Last session is on going

This week, there was noting special to happend, however it was a nice week, with high temperature at the end and with a little rain in the middle. There was a soccer game planned for the conselors on Friday, but since a storm was about to come they posponed it.
During the week, at the day camp, Olle has some funs since he was doing backflip sometime for them, and one of the girls decided to help us with sweeping the floor and mopping it, we appriciate her help. =)
With Tom, during the week we went to a near cycle track, which was made for mountainbikers in the wood, it was pretty cool to try ourselves there, however we couldn't find a different way back when we wanted to get back on the road, we've just end up on the mainroad and got back to the camp.
On Saturday, I was driving the Caravan again, to take Olle to Braintree, since he planned to go in Boston for an event. And that was all the week, while we had a list to do things during the weekend, since there was a big cook-out for the campers on Sunday and also some investors came to visit and look around.

2016. augusztus 7., vasárnap

#7 2nd session ends

Nothing special happend this week, on Thursday the kids left form the 2nd session, so we had to do the power wash again and finish up on Friday with cleaning, and we got our half day off and all Saturday, since the 3rd session started on Sunday. During the week, on Tuesday, I had my offical driving with a camp car, when we went to Hingham to the Apple store and to the Kohl's where we found some discounted clothes to buy, on the way back from Hingham, we also stopped by the Wallmart in Hanover. On Friday, whne we had our half day off, I cycled back to the Apple store to consulte with a "genius" as they call their assistants who helps you solve your problems with your iPhone... At the final they didn't know why it does not work with my danish SIM card, so they just changed it to an European model (A1723), instead of having an unlocked US model (A1662). We'll see if it will still see my danish SIM after a week, since the other had problems with it after a week only...
On Saturday, the maintenance guys went to Boston, expect me, I stayed at the camp to have some rest, and also to pick them up at night when they came back, since there was noone else to do that, yeah 2nd driving with a camp car! =) It was pretty accurate, since I've just arrived to Braintree when they got off from the bus, and the whole journey wasn't much longer than an hour there and back to the camp.

2016. július 31., vasárnap

#6 Birthdays

This week started as usual, but on Tuesday during the hour off, I took a bike to go to the car rental in Hanover and pick up my reserved car for the evening ride. I got the car and drove back to the camp to finish the day. After we finished the job I took my friends to the Wallmart and then go tback to the camp for dinner and afterwards I drove off to Cape Cod to surprise my friend who has a birthday and also to meet them after more than a year! Since Alexa keep it as a secret that I can come to Roda's birthday, I was the real surprise for her! :) We were at the ocean, we made a small camp fire, we had some food and drinks and enjoyed our time together with their new friends.
I really enjoyed to spend some time with them after a long time, we had a permit till 23.30 to keep the fire at the beach, so afterwards we went back to their place and continue to talk and enjoy our time. I've also got some sleep before heading back to the camp in the morning and say good bye again, who knows till when we'll see each other again... During the hour break I took back the car and as they kept my bike in their garage I cycled back to the camp, and I've just got back in time to work.
This Friday, we had another birthday at the camp, one of the kitchen staff had a birthday, so we made a little celebration for him in the woods, then I had my day off to get some rest and that was it.

2016. július 24., vasárnap

#5 Apple, McDonald's

This week was almost the same like all the previous working every day, expect that we changed our days off and I got the Sunday, now. Since a while I started to go cycle everyday after we finished with our job. Sometimes I've just went for an easy ride around the town, or go get some speeding, however what I liked the most so far, was going in the forest and handle the bike on narrow dusty roads etc. it is also very helpful to build some muscles, not only on the legs. =)
On Friday we had the pay day, and finally they deposit the money to my bank account, so I got an e-mail immediately as it arrived in the morning. I checked on the Apple store if the closest one has the model that I wanted, and after work I went straight there by bike to get my new, and also my first Apple iPhone, the Special Edition (SE). It was a little bit exhausting to cycle almost 20 kilometers (around 15 miles) in a row with only a few stops, but I got there in time to even set my new phone and I got back to the camp before sunset.
On Saturday I was working with Toni all day, it wasn't that since we had nothing extra to do, beside the usual cleaning. On Sunday I had my day off with Ági and Tomi, and after lunch we decided to go to Kingston to check an instrument shop with pretty guitars and so, and also to eat at a McDonald's restaurant which is so called the "American dream", haha, no. However it came originally from here, so it's a must try for the new comers at least. =)

2016. július 17., vasárnap

#4 1st month passed

It is hard to force myself and write the blog each week, since I'm not always having a Wi-Fi connections and when I have I'm not always carring my netbook with myself, so I easily forget about it...
This week was almost all the same like the previous ones, we did our job etc. However there was a littl echange with the days off, since Viktor wanted to visit his girlfriendon Sunday, so he worked on Saturday instead of Olivér and him, Zsófi and I had a day off, and after some discussion we finally decided to go to Plymounth by Uber and take some time in the city near the ocean and walk around the city center. We got to the rock at first since the ride was tilll there, then we walked around the ocean checking out the Mayflower ship's replica.
Then we walked in the city and accidently went in to a Diva's Dance Competition which was probably for the local kids as we saw the competitors. Afterwards we went in a restaurant which uses local products to make their meals, then made some more walk around and also catched an ice cream van to buy some, and later we enjoyed the music festival which was taking place in the city center while we were there, however it was mainly for the local retired people as we saw the auidence... :D
And our week passed, we just went back to work on Sunday and start the next week.

2016. július 10., vasárnap

#3 Rainy day off

This week we had nothing special to do, however we made some bike rides around the neighborhood after work. We went to Marshfield's airport, which was a small one for private sport and leisure planes. On another day I went around alone and I end up in Pembroke and found a school bus parking lot and real american suburban area as well.
And then on Saturday we had a rainy day, so we cannot do anything in our day off... just stay in the camp and chill while there was a little time without rain I went to cycle around.

2016. július 3., vasárnap

#2 Kids arrived

This week, we just started to work from Monday as noramally and as the kids arrived on Friday we started to work on the camp schedule from 9 to 5 instead of the 8 to 4. On Tuesday all the staff expect the maintenance team got a day off, however from Monday the day camp started already, so we had job to do...
On Thursday we had our last day without kids, so we hadd a graduation party where everyone called by name and been intreduced to all the staff members like what they'll do during the summer! It was a crazy party and also there was a banquette dinner before where we had some really good meals thanks to our kitchen staff!
On Saturday we had our day off with Viktor and Sophie so we planned to go to the ocean again, however we had to check the bikes and make them ready, so Viktor had to wait and since Sophie wanted check the bank wee went a bit earlier to catch it opened. So we activated the online banking and then we went to a mall to look around as she needed some clothes to buy and then we went to Brant Rock and spent some time at the beach which was a bit rocky as its name says... and I took some pictures as well:
On Sunday we had to work with Viktor, and we were that lucky the stockade's new bathroom was opened already, so we had to clean an extra 20 toilets and sinks and right now only 5 showers, since they don't have the rest ready yet, and hopefully they'll be ready on next Wednesday.

2016. június 26., vasárnap

#1 First week passed

The first week is already gone, we've been working the whole week from 8 to 4. In the middle of the week the rest of the hungarians arrived, so now we are 10 in total, 3 girls and 7 boys. 3 of us working as a maintenance guy and one as laundry and maintenance the rest of them are in the kitchen.
On Sunday we had a day off, so in the morning we fixed some bikes and went to Duxbury beach to have some rest and get out from the camp. We came back to the camp to watch the hungarian - belgian football/soccer match, but we got disappointed since we lost by getting 4 goals scored... It was also hungarian day in the camp, but there were nothing special just at the dinner we could put in some hungarian music, and that's it.